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Poker Face


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Poker Face

Niki when she was still a child she had a gift. A stuffed parrot that brought her luck. Thanks to that her father and his friends were able to win in gambling in order to make a living. One day though a friend of her's steals the parrot and as a result her father goes bankrupt and ends in prison. Niki as an ***** she has to fight back her old friend in a poker tournament. Thing...

发布于2012年。由Christos Dimas执导,并且由编剧Aspa Kalliani携幕后团队创作。集众多位阿尔基斯·库尔库洛斯、埃维·萨乌利杜、安东尼斯‧卡非祖罗普斯、Dimitris Piatas、约戈斯·皮尔帕索珀罗斯、Renos Haralambidis、Yannis Bostantzoglou、Dafni Labroyanni等著名实力派明星加盟。


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