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Even Gods


  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 莱勒·罗迪 / Paul Caddell / Mary Lindsay
  • 类型:剧情 / 短片 / 家庭
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 英国
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《Even Gods》相关推荐

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6. 草木人间/ 吴磊、蒋勤勤
7. 异星战境/ 詹妮弗·洛佩兹、刘思慕
8. 挑战者/ 赞达亚、乔什·奥康纳
9. 凶兆前传/ 尼尔·泰格·弗莉、托菲克·巴霍姆
10. 猩球崛起:新世界/ 欧文·泰格、弗蕾娅·艾伦
11. 老狐狸/ 白润音、刘冠廷
12. 周处除三害/ 阮经天、袁富华

《Even Gods》剧情内容介绍

《Even Gods》在线观看和下载


Even Gods

Wisecracking, large-hearted, Hughie has been living in a long-term homeless shelter in Belfast for 6 years. He is well-liked in the hostel, the life and soul. But when his daughter contacts him out of the blue and wants to see him for the first time in thirteen years the boundaries of Hughie's solid life begin to blur and the wounds of the past come back into sharp, painful foc...

发布于2012年。由菲尔·哈里森执导,并且由编剧菲尔·哈里森携幕后团队创作。集众多位莱勒·罗迪、Paul Caddell、Mary Lindsay、Laura Thompson、Lois Turkington等著名实力派明星加盟。


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