

Anita - Tänze des Lasters(1987)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Lotti Huber / Ina Blum / Mikael Honesseau
  • 类型:剧情
  • 语言: 德语
  • 地区: 西德
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4. 哥斯拉-1.0/ 神木隆之介、滨边美波
5. 噬血芭蕾/ 阿丽莎·威尔、梅丽莎·巴雷拉
6. 银河写手/ 宋木子、合文俊
7. 黄雀在后!/ 冯绍峰、陶虹
8. 老狐狸/ 白润音、刘冠廷
9. 小晓/ 林品彤、陈意涵
10. 完美的日子/ 役所广司、柄本时生
11. 周处除三害/ 阮经天、袁富华
12. 哥斯拉大战金刚2:帝国崛起/ 丽贝卡·豪尔、布莱恩·泰里·亨利




安妮塔—恶之舞原名:Anita - Tänze des Lasters,

In modern-day Berlin (1987), Frau Kutowski goes insane, believing herself to be the (real-life) notorious Anita Berber, a nude art dancer/drug addict/scandalous figure of post-WWI Berlin. (Berber died of tuberculosis in 1928, having achieved significant success and recognition throughout the dance world.) Frau Kutowski is placed in a mental hospital, where in her own mind she a...

发布于1987年。由罗萨·冯·布劳恩海姆执导,并且由编剧Marianne Enzensberger携幕后团队创作。集众多位Lotti Huber、Ina Blum、Mikael Honesseau等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1987公映的电影。






Ziggy 🇵🇸 2023-06-12

Camp/queer aesthetic meeting German expressionist/Brecht theatrical tradition. Fragmented vignettes threaded by non-linear narrative, but message isn't lost thanks to extremely convincing sight and sound. An homage to ***** German silent cinema yet accompanied with modern dance and modern classical/free jazz/avant-garde score. This anachronism mirrors the film's juxtaposition of the two eras and their eerie similarities: on queerness perceived as otherness, sickness and mentally ill; on a different kind of revolution; on social conservatism and male gaze are both sides of the same coin; on how strong-man politics and nazism are fermented by these attitudes, leading to an inevitable outcome.

无法拥抱的你 2021-11-18

VOSE 720p硬英字,罗萨导演的艺术很耐人寻味,3.9