Don Henley: The End of the Innocence在线观看和下载

Don Henley: The End of the Innocence


  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 唐·亨利
  • 类型:短片 / 音乐
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 美国
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《Don Henley: The End of the Innocence》相关推荐

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12. 灿烂的她/ 惠英红、刘浩存

《Don Henley: The End of the Innocence》剧情内容介绍

《Don Henley: The End of the Innocence》在线观看和下载


Don Henley: The End of the Innocence

Don Henley performs in the music video "The End of the Innocence" from the album "The End of the Innocence" recorded for Geffen Records. Don Henley sings in the black and white video while clips show the coming of age of a young man through the years. Shots feature a youth play with siblings, a man with his girlfriend, a man in the military, and the remains of a ticker-tape par...



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