阿森纳 - 2002/2003赛季回顾在线观看和下载

阿森纳 - 2002/2003赛季回顾

Arsenal - Season Review 2002/2003(2003)

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《阿森纳 - 2002/2003赛季回顾》在线观看和下载


阿森纳 - 2002/2003赛季回顾原名:Arsenal - Season Review 2002/2003,

2002-2003赛季仅仅见证阿森纳在足总杯的夺冠。  The 2002-2003 season promised so much for Arsenal but, in the end, saw them finish with only the FA Cup to show for their efforts. With Thierry Henry in particularly fine form, Arsenal's dazzling style in the early part of the season attracted a raft of superlatives. But although they led the Premiership for much of the campaign, injuries and suspensi...



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简珩 2009-03-14
